AQA Quilt-In
The AQA Quilt-in is our Friendship Day
Each year, usually in July, our Guild holds their Quilt-in. Our Quilt-in is open
From the 2018 Quilt-in
July 14th, 2018

All ready for the Quilt-in
Traders attending the day included; Somerset Patchwork, The Button Lady, Clair’s Fabrics and Bittern by the Bug, who all provided a wonderful selection of fabric and assorted novelties.
Door prizes were drawn during the day, and our Committee Members made the welcome gifts, given to each visitor. The atmosphere inside the hall was warm and bright, with a great deal of chatter and laughter. The annual raffle quilt was on show on the stage, and tickets sold well. Members Show and Tell included a wide variety of quilts for all to appreciate.
The afternoon program highlight, was our Guest Speaker, the wonderful Judy Newman. Judy talked about her quilting journey, and how her many years of designing and teaching experience, has resulted in the success and international recognition she has attained today.
Judy firmly believes in the
Thank you, Judy, for an entertaining and illuminating address. Judy also shared a big selection of her quilts for us all to enjoy – see a small
Throughout the day, a Silent Auction was running in the refreshment area, which proved to be a big success. The total raised from the Silent Auction was $806.00. Many of the items donated, came from members, and the family of the late Julie Cashin. Thank you to all those who contributed items for the Silent Auction, and to those who made bids and bought articles. A total of $1834.60 was taken on the day, which was a great result.
Special thanks and congratulations to Shirley Lodington for her dedicated, and long-term support and organisation of this occasion. Shirley has contributed a great deal of time and effort to the smooth running and favourable outcome of this day. As always, we cannot provide functions like this, without the help and support of our Committee and the people who volunteer for the many tasks involved.
Thank you to everyone who helped, attended, and supported our special day, and contributed to its success. We hope to see you all again next year.
Anna Amory and Allison Burger.